When is the anticipated commencement of Ramadan 2024 in the majority of Islamic nations?

The chances of spotting the crescent on March 10 seem minimal.

Islamic nations, having commenced the month of Shaaban on February 11, 2024, are preparing to witness the crescent moon for Ramadan on March 10, as per Gulf News.

The International Astronomical Center highlights that the central conjunction is set for 9 am GMT on that day, with the moon expected to set after sunset across the majority of Islamic regions. Consequently, it is foreseen that many countries will officially commence Ramadan on March 11.

Despite this, the prospect of sighting the crescent on March 10 seems unlikely, based on scientific criteria for crescent visibility.

Respected scholars such as Ibn Tariq, Wutheringham, Maunder, Parwin, and Elias, in conjunction with astronomical observatories like SAAO, and researchers Yallop and Odeh, collectively concur that the crescent will not be observable on that day across the Arab and Islamic world, whether through the naked eye or a telescope.

Nevertheless, the use of a telescope might render the crescent visible from specific parts of the Americas, particularly in the western regions.

Hence, for countries within the Islamic world that prioritize precise crescent sighting, Ramadan is anticipated to commence on Tuesday, March 12.

As the preparations unfold, the excitement surrounding the Ramadan crescent sighting adds a significant dimension to the observance of this sacred month in the Islamic calendar.

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