What is Net Zero World?

Net Zero World

Net Zero World is the U.S. Department of Energy’s flagship initiative that works in partnership with major energy producing countries to develop and implement holistic approaches to decarbonizing their entire energy systems.  It does so through a whole-of-government approach and by leveraging the world class expertise of ten National Laboratories to provide demand-driven assistance to energy ministers and their departments.   

Partner countries include Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria, Singapore, Thailand, and Ukraine. In only two years, it has informed and implemented 23 decarbonization actions across the energy sector, from facilitating coal phase-out to supporting distributed energy resource deployment.  Beyond technical assistance, Net Zero World partners with U.S. government investment agencies, multilateral development banks, and others to de-risk projects, aid in financing instrument design and implementation, and connect projects with investors, setting the stage for $10 billion in investments by 2025. 

Sources: U.S Department of Energy

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