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In November 2023, police arrested Ryan Edwards due to driving 145 miles per hour in a 65-mile-per-hour zone. He find guilty to driving under the influence and simple custody. But when the 35-year-old reality star appeared in court earlier this week, the routine hearing didn’t go as planned! The judge ordered him to not only dope test but to be imprisoned that same day! Seems he thought Ryan was already in violation of his treatment, drugs or no…

Now the results found NEGATIVE of the Ryan, according to The Sun, District Attorney Coty Wamp Meaning NO DRUGS in his system! Whoa! Did anyone expect these results? Wamp further said:

“We have a passed drug screen. The state is surprised. The state believes Mr. Edwards doesn’t want to take his probation seriously. It’s good he passed a drug screen.”

Even the DA was surprised! Why else would he be acting out the way he is if he isn’t using again? She also pointed out once again that he failed to get his Vivitrol shot, a substance that blocks the effects of opioids and alcohol, as is required by his court order.

“He needs the Vivitrol shot. He was a couple of weeks late on it. My request would be we monitor his progress and ask the court to submit the report on his progress, including his AA meetings. All of that should be simple for someone on a rehabilitation track to do well and doesn’t want to go to jail for years.”

Ryan’s attorney noted the television personality “should’ve been more diligent with the court’s requirements” but the most important thing is that he “hasn’t used.” But Judge Starnes seems to have had enough. He fired back:

“There was plenty of time for him to get it out of his system from the time took the test.”

His lawyer then argues he scheduled a shot for 12th December. And this look likes to really push the judge over the edge! Judge Starnes exclaimed:

“I don’t know how many more opportunities Mr. Edwards is entitled to. He has failed to do what he’s supposed to. He’s been revoked and put in jail for almost three months. He’s had violations at Oasis and CADAS, but they didn’t kick him out. He wants to stand here and ask for more time to do it. How many more chances does Mr. Edwards think he’s going to get? What do you think when he doesn’t follow the program? He has gotten so many chances and every single time he got an opportunity to do things he should’ve been doing. Now he’s back again.”

He further said:

“Today, out of nowhere he sets up the shot. You shouldn’t have to tell him that. It’s simple. Time and time again he shows he will not do it until he is made to do it.”

Ryan’s attorney insisted he “doesn’t feel entitled,” pleading that “when someone has a drug problem, stopping that is a battle.” He added:

“Based on his latest screen, that shows progress, which shows he’s trying. Is he doing everything ordered? No sir. But I think he’s going to try.”

But as we mentioned, Judge Starnes is over it. He blasted Ryan for “not willing to do anything he’s told” and made it clear the MTV star is “not blaming it on addiction today.” Despite Ryan’s plea for “one more chance,” it looks like he won’t be walking out of the courtroom a free man this time. Judge Starnes decided to throw him behind bars for over a month for not following the terms of his probation. Another court hearing was scheduled for 17th January and he’ll remain in jail until then. Judge Starnes said:

“I have given you chance after chance. I’m glad to see you’re not on drugs. That’s very important. I’m going to move this to January 17. My inclination is to have you serve three years. I’ll move this to January 17.”

Another extreme day in court, huh?! We’ll have to wait and see what happens for Ryan in next hearing. But at this stage things aren’t looking good for him.

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