Knows about World’s Most Luxurious Hotels

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Most expensive hotels in the world are known for their luxurious amenities, exquisite services, and stunning locations. Keep in mind that prices can vary based on factors such as room type, availability, and seasonal fluctuations. Here are a few hotels that were considered among the most expensive:

The Royal Penthouse Suite at Hotel President Wilson, Geneva

Price: Around $80,000 per night

This suite at Hotel President Wilson is known for its opulence, featuring 12 bedrooms, a private gym, and panoramic views of Lake Geneva.

The Mark Penthouse, The Mark Hotel, New York

Price: Around $75,000 per night

The Mark Penthouse is a luxurious accommodation in New York City, known for its elegant design and expansive terrace overlooking Central Park.

Ty Warner Penthouse, Four Seasons Hotel, New York

Price: Around $50,000 per night

Situated atop the Four Seasons Hotel, this penthouse offers stunning views of the city and is known for its lavish interiors and personalized services.

The Royal Villa, Grand Resort Lagonissi, Athens

Price: Around €50,000 per night

The Royal Villa at Grand Resort Lagonissi in Athens, Greece, is a private waterfront retreat with personalized butler service and a private beach.

The Hilltop Villa, Laucala Island Resort, Fiji

Price: Around $45,000 per night

Laucala Island Resort in Fiji offers the Hilltop Villa, a secluded and ultra-luxurious accommodation with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

The St. Regis Villa, St. Regis Resort, Bora Bora

Price: Around $17,000 per night

Located in Bora Bora, this overwater villa offers a private pool, direct access to the lagoon, and personalized butler service.

The Muraka, Conrad Maldives Rangali Island

Price: Around $50,000 per night

The Muraka is an underwater villa in the Maldives, allowing guests to sleep surrounded by marine life in a glass-walled bedroom beneath the ocean’s surface.

Keep in mind that these prices are approximate and can vary based on factors like availability, seasonal demand, and additional services requested. Additionally, new hotels and suites may have been introduced since my last update.

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