Coalinga, California Earthquake – May, 1983


On 2nd May, 1983, an earthquake of 6.5 magnitude occurred of the town of Coalinga. It was a surprise quake since no known active faults had been identified within historical time anywhere near the epicenter. The earthquake caused substantial damage to buildings and infrastructure in the area, particularly in Coalinga and the surrounding communities. This earthquake caused an estimated $10 million in property damage and injured ninety-four people

Several structures, including unreinforced masonry buildings, suffered severe damage, leading to concerns about the vulnerability of such constructions to seismic activity. The Coalinga earthquake highlighted the importance of seismic preparedness and building codes in earthquake-prone regions.

Despite the relatively moderate magnitude of the earthquake, its shallow depth and proximity to populated areas contributed to the impact. The event served as a reminder of the earthquake risk faced by California and prompted further research and efforts to improve seismic safety measures in the state.

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