American Revolution – Key Events and Figures


The American Revolution (1775–1783) was a pivotal period in the history of the United States, marked by a series of key events and notable figures. Here are some crucial events and prominent individuals associated with the American Revolution:

Key Events

Lexington and Concord (April 19, 1775)

The conflict began with the Battles of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, where colonial militia clashed with British forces.

Second Continental Congress (May 1775)

Delegates convened in Philadelphia and assumed control of the colonial militia. George Washington was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.

Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776)

The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, a document drafted primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserting the colonies’ independence from British rule.

Battle of Saratoga (1777)

A decisive American victory, Saratoga is considered a turning point as it led to France formally entering the war as an ally of the United States.

Winter at Valley Forge (1777–1778)

The Continental Army, under Washington’s leadership, faced severe hardships and training during a harsh winter at Valley Forge.

Treaty of Alliance with France (1778)

France formally allied with the American cause, providing crucial military and financial support.

Siege of Yorktown (1781)

The decisive battle where American and French forces, led by Washington, laid siege to the British at Yorktown, leading to the surrender of General Cornwallis.

Treaty of Paris (1783)

The treaty officially ended the war, recognizing the independence of the United States and establishing new borders.

Key Figures

George Washington

Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and later the first President of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson

Principal author of the Declaration of Independence, later serving as the third President.

John Adams

A key advocate for independence, later the second President.

Benjamin Franklin

A prominent diplomat, writer, and statesman who played a crucial role in securing French support.

Marquis de Lafayette

A French aristocrat who served as a major-general in the Continental Army, earning Washington’s trust.

Paul Revere

A patriot known for his midnight ride to warn of British movements before the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

Benedict Arnold

Initially a Continental Army general, he later defected to the British side, becoming a notorious traitor.

John Paul Jones

A naval commander who achieved notable victories, such as the capture of the HMS Serapis.

The American Revolution was a complex and transformative period, involving numerous individuals and events that shaped the birth of the United States as an independent nation.

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