Air terrorism Canada – June, 1985


The Sikh terrorists had been fighting for an independent state within their home country of India but they decided it would be easier to carry out terrorist acts in Canada.

On 23rd June, 1985, Sikh terrorists who had moved to Canada blew up an Air India airplane Flight 182, during flight route from Toronto to London a bomb was an exploded. Causing killing of all 329 people, most of them Canadians. To this day, the Air India bombing is still the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history.

Sikh terrorists who had moved to Canada and were now Canadian citizens were inflamed by the actions of the Indian government in their homeland where, in 1984, Indian soldiers, acting against local militants, destroyed the Golden Temple in Amritsar, a sacred site for the Sikh religion. The Canadian Sikhs, in revenge, on June 23, 1985 placed bombs on two Air India flights out of Vancouver.

Since that terrible day in June 1985, the Government of Canada has worked to investigate the crash of Flight 182, to bring the perpetrators of this act to justice, and to make the necessary changes to our policies, regulations and legislation to safeguard Canadians from terror. The Government has also continually adjusted its approach to airline and national security, and security intelligence.

In spite of warnings from the government of India, Canadian security services failed to maintain a close watch on those members of the Sikh community who had already engaged in violent action against India’s offices in Vancouver and who went on to plan their terrorism.

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