A New Announcement has been made regarding Pi’s Open Network Plan

What is Open Network?

On December 28, 2021, Pi Network launched its Mainnet blockchain in an enclosed state, meaning that the Mainnet is live but with a firewall that prevents any unwanted external connectivity. Moving to Open Network means that the firewall will be removed, allowing for any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to the Pi Mainnet blockchain. API calls will not be firewalled, and Pioneers will be able to run their own Mainnet Pi Nodes and API services. Read the updated Roadmap chapter of the 2021 December Whitepaper to learn more.

Recently, Pi Network team announced that we intend to go the Open Network period of Mainnet in the year of 2024, if the following three conditions are met! However, there is no specific date set. These three essential conditions depend on the collective efforts of pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team, in addition to uncontrollable external factors.

Such conditions are based on Pi Network’s long-term objectives and strategies, and take into consideration the feasibility of their accomplishments within the year of 2024.

Conditions for having Open Network in 2024

First Condition: Finish any Open Network preparation work in technology, product, business and legal following the consistent strategies of Pi Network.

Second Condition: Achieve the goals in network KYC, migration and utility creation.

The specific targets for meeting this Open Network condition are as follows:

KYC and Migration

Third Condition: The absence of an unfavorable external environment which would hinder the success of Open Network.

In short, world events affect currencies, and Pi is no different. While we do not control what happens in the world, we do control our launch and will not jeopardize the community’s hard work and dedication with a reckless move to Open Network.

These three conditions will help determine the timing of the Open Network. If such conditions are not met, then Open Network may be delayed to ensure a more successful transition for all Pioneers. All in all, the decision on Open Network’s launch and its timing will be made to best serve Pi’s vision, the community and the network.

We know that this announcement will be met with jubilation and excitement within the Pi community, and we hope that each Pioneer takes it upon themselves to help achieve the above goals.

We wish that all Pioneers enjoy a wonderful end of the year holiday season, and use this information to truly engage with Pi and our community to work towards the Open Network in 2024!

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