Gemini is More Powerful than ChatGPT 4

Gemini is the first model to outperform human experts on MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding), one of the most popular methods to test the knowledge and problem solving abilities of AI models.

Gemini launched on the evening of December 6, is Google’s most advanced and general AI model ever, Gemini is the first AI to surpass humans at the expert level, which scored 95.8% on the test. Similar investigation the result of GPT-4 was 71%, LLAMA-2 reached 68% and Anthropic’s Claude 2 reached 78.5% too superior compared to the remaining competitors.

Unlike other popular large language models recently, Gemini is built large language models recently, Gemini is built in a multimodal direction. It can generalize, operate, and combine many different types of information including test, code, sounds, audio, images and video. It can be used in 170 countries and territories.

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